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Old 04-16-2013, 10:56 AM #21
Lava Boss
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Originally Posted by seyms
And why must every US action flick now have the apparently obligatory US soldiers beating up faceless terrorists scene??

Helmetless US soldiers at that.

I thought as a movie, if I was unfamiliar with GI JOE, I'd say it mostly sucked and had a bad script and teetered between real action movie and kiddie shlock (it is a toy based film).

As GI JOE fan, though, I found parts of it enjoyable. It got some things "right", but I cannot say it was especially better than Rise of Cobra. I think that making GI JOE realistic doesn't work in live action, Retaliation wanted some realism but also outlandish stuff and it doesn't mesh well. Rise of Cobra almost did better...except its CGI sucked horribly at times.
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Old 05-05-2013, 11:50 AM #22
neapolitan joe
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G.I.JOE RETALIATION. Did You liked it?
Old 05-05-2013, 04:34 PM #23
Python Six
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Thumbs up G.I.JOE RETALIATION. Did You liked it?

HELL YEAH!!! Even though I was not too thrilled with Duke getting KIA, I thought it was an awesome movie. I cant wait for the 3rd movie to get started, and the missions to continue. YO JOE!!!
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Old 05-06-2013, 10:38 PM #24
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saw it the day it came out.I fell asleep,Ill see it again on blu ray.
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New score!
Old 05-25-2013, 04:24 PM #25
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And june 7 Retaliation'll be in the Japan's cinemas!
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Last edited by neapolitan joe : 05-25-2013 at 04:39 PM.
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Old 05-26-2013, 02:31 PM #26
The BATman
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Originally Posted by neapolitan joe
YO JOE! Bros!
Actually, I was a bit disappointed about the lack of the "Yo Joe" battle cry in the movie. Even despite the fact that it sounded totally ridiculous in Rise of Cobra.
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Old 12-21-2013, 11:20 AM #27
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the zipline battle with the red ninjas was awesome! especially when the ninjas fell to their doom... I didn't like that Duke was killed (blown up!) within the first half hour or so of the movie. after sunbow rewrote Duke's demise in the animated movie in '86 where he comes out of his coma and lives, 30 years later Hasbro finally kills him off! !@#$%& Hasbro I also wish they could have brought Helix into the movie universe.
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No, but I saw it twice anyway
Old 01-11-2014, 05:46 PM #28
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Default No, but I saw it twice anyway

Well, as a stand alone movie it had a lot of problems.

Why spend the beginning of the movie developing the relationship between Roadblock and Duke only to kill Duke off in the next scene?

Then why have a Flint - who in this film had no personality whatsoever - take his place?

It would have made much more sense from a screenwriting point of view to have Duke in the whole movie and then selflessly sacrifice his life at the end in order to save Roadblock and stop Cobra.

Also, by killing so many characters they have really written themselves into a hole. If Zartan is dead already, how can they introduce Zarana and the Dreadnoks?

Also, there is never a scene where Storm Shadow finds out that Zartan killed the Hard Master. Apparently he knew all along. That makes no sense. Why didn't he just tell his clan already what happened? Why did he bother to join Cobra?

Also, why did Cobra Commander say Destro is "out of the band"? And CC's origin story from the previous movie makes it impossible for there to be a Springfield story line. They should have had a voice actor imitate Chris Latta's cartoon voice in the original show - CC doesn't have much personality in this film.

The only good thing about the film is how Cobra's plot to take over the world resembled the TV show. Oh and the mountain Ninja scene was cool.

I say the franchise should be re-booted. The new film should take place in 1982 and be based on the highlights from issues 10-20 of the comic book. I mean in 2014 when we all have cell phones a character like Breaker carrying a radio on his back makes no sense, right?
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Old 01-11-2014, 10:07 PM #29
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Originally Posted by Lava Boss

I thought as a movie, if I was unfamiliar with GI JOE, I'd say it mostly sucked and had a bad script and teetered between real action movie and kiddie shlock (it is a toy based film).

As GI JOE fan, though, I found parts of it enjoyable. It got some things "right", but I cannot say it was especially better than Rise of Cobra. I think that making GI JOE realistic doesn't work in live action, Retaliation wanted some realism but also outlandish stuff and it doesn't mesh well. Rise of Cobra almost did better...except its CGI sucked horribly at times.

Pretty much my thoughts.

Finally saw it on DVD from my local library. Why? Because whatever the final box office figures are, divide that by $12 or whatever and there are that many fools having their money taken from them. Some repeatedly had their money stolen from them. At least with the library it is part of a large purchase made every few months from the studio distributors so the cost is spread out amongst several pictures (some good and some like this one not really).
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Old 01-16-2014, 10:54 AM #30
80s Child
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I didn't see this until November-ish 2013 on iTunes.
Short answer: I liked it okay - better than the 1st one.
Long answer: I've given up hope that a major Hollywood studio will ever make a "spot-on" live action movie of any "fan-boy" subject matter (although I guess The Avengers came closest). They have so much $ invested in it that it needs to make a profit, and if only fan boys go, they won't recoup enough of their investment. So, they feel they need to:
A.) Have star power to draw in the non fan boys. I don't like this because, I end up seeing the star and not the character. I didn't see Joe Colton, I saw John McClane. I didn't see Roadblock, I saw The People's Champion. Back in 1987 I didn't see He-Man, I saw Ivan Drago.
B.) Speaking of MOTU, these studios fear that the "average moviegoer" is too stupid to be interested in a movie JUST about Eternians or Giant Transforming Robots and their interatcions with each other, so they force these stories to take place on Earth and cram Courtney Cox and Shia LeBouff down our throats to "keep us interested" or "relate" to the plot......
C) There is a fear in the industry that a movie can't be close to 3 hours and/or JUST be a "part1" or an origins story when a new-to-big-screen franchise launches, or people will lose interest and abandon it, so we end up getting films or even trilogies that feel rushed or too many key aspects get crammed-in or cut altogether to fit the standard blueprint.

Is this G.I. Joe's fault? No. It's Hollywood's. So considering what their chances were to begin with, it did an okay job. But until a studio wants to take on ALL of these important plot points listed below and spread them over 5-7-heck 10 films (Fast & Furious has 7 and counting, James Bond has 25 and counting, Harry Potter got 8, LOTR/HOBBIT got 6, Batman & Superman & Spiderman all have in the neighborhood of 6,7, 8 and counting so it IS accepted at times and G.I. Joe has just as much if not more source material/history/fan loyalty to the brand to draw upon as those franchises do), or a super rich independent film maker wants to buy the rights and do an "indie" version that isn't obsessed with nailing EVERY demographic, I'm not holding my breath on a definitive, epic G.I. Joe movie franchise that stays true to the source material.

1.) The Stalker/SS/SE LRRP
2.) The SE/Scarlett helicopter accident
3.) CC's car salesman beginnings
4.) The SE/CC family car wreck
5.) SE & SS training together
6.) CC approaches Zartan and the assassination
7.) The Hawk/Stalker recruitment of the O-13
8.) The Baroness' younger days and her brother's murder
9.) The Kwinn/Dr.Venom stories
10.) Billy's childhood in Springfield
11.) Some backstories for Destro (ROC actually did this well), Firefly, Major Bludd, Scrap-Iron.
12.) The Crimson Twins, creation of Cobra Island, and Fred series storyline
13.) The construction/destruction/rebuild of The PIT in Ft. Wadsworth

The above listed points are just a start, yet all crucial, and probably if done right could span 3-4 films on their own. Each successive film could also introduce "newer characters" the way the comic did. Just my 2 cents.
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