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Prince Adam 01-29-2011 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by WildWeasel
For those that are interested in participating, I'm sorry for the way this has turned out, my apologies to you.

So if you are interested in entering, just post a link here in this thread to your entry and come time to judge we will include yours by linking in the main thread on the Terror Drome.

Any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Good luck and we hope to see some great entries!

No see, Dahl, already said that. Then you got all huffy and decided to come over and stir the sht storm back up. Don't get all uppitty and then try and act like you're above it. Now you're just back peddling because the spotlight is focussed on you and your BVDs are around your ankles.

Blow it out your rear cause you’re getting butthurt over nothing. First off my comment was constructive criticism, nothing more. Dahl’s following post came off of as snooty and arrogant. Maybe YOU know him, but I don’t; we don’t. Were we supposed to assume he was both comical and benign simply because that’s how you know him? Re-read the post objectively. Some guy with less than a handful to a few? Were you guys looking to make friends with this board? Face it. If you were trying to be as diplomatic as your martyrdom would insist than one of you 'Dromers would’ve come over yourself and invited JDs rather than polishing Hammerfel’s rod by making him a judge. :cool:

Thing is Dahl did come back on here to explain his post and everything was pretty much smoothed over, I can't as folks were lining up, but the water was under the bridge. You're making all the fuss now, and you're rightfully being addressed as such.

dancontrino 01-30-2011 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by Da Talent
So... Uh... I hear some shit is going down in Egypt.

We should all probably keep arguing over bullshit.

Are they making anohter "Mummy" movie? I friggin love Brendan Fraser.

joshdahl 01-30-2011 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by Da Talent
So... Uh... I hear some shit is going down in Egypt.

We should all probably keep arguing over bullshit.

I recognize that sound. Is that... perspective?

Thank you.

And on the subject of was mastered by renaissance painters who were studying the "ideal" forms as conceived by the ancient greeks.

Oh, that gives me an idea, how funny would it be to do DaVinci's Vitruvian Man with a Joe figure?

sithviper 01-30-2011 10:42 AM

Is their any restrictions on the medium of the piece of art we would be recreating?

joshdahl 01-30-2011 10:46 AM

Originally Posted by sithviper
Is their any restrictions on the medium of the piece of art we would be recreating?

I assume you mean... could it be a statue or a cave painting or something like that?

No. I can't think of any reason to place restrictions on that. So long as it is something that is generally considered "classic" art.

sithviper 01-30-2011 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by joshdahl
I assume you mean... could it be a statue or a cave painting or something like that?

No. I can't think of any reason to place restrictions on that. So long as it is something that is generally considered "classic" art.

OK thanks :)

dancontrino 01-30-2011 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by sithviper
Is their any restrictions on the medium of the piece of art we would be recreating?

Are there any restrictions on the size of his hog :confused:

joshdahl 01-30-2011 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by dancontrino
Are there any restrictions on the size of his hog :confused:

Well, DaVinci would tell you that the proportions of his "hog" were determined by "the Golden Ratio ".

I don't know if that is a restriction so much as it is a guideline.

sithviper 02-08-2011 10:13 AM

Another Question
Is there a limit on the number of entries?

sithviper 02-18-2011 07:41 AM

Here are my entries :)

Wasn't sure if I should this here or in The Terrordrome thread so I'm posting it in both :)

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