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Old 07-08-2017, 07:57 AM #57
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Join Date: Jul 2007

Usually I try to stay away from site drama. This is starting to get really ugly. But I think there are some things that need to be said in the open.

I agree, this site is about sharing images, art, ideas, techniques and our love for this hobby. Without this site, some of us would never have met each other, nor would we have grown as photographers. I will always have fond memories of this site and I learned so much from being here.

I'm going to be honest. I was alarmed when I saw what appears to be a coordinated effort to place 3 specific people as moderators out of nowhere. It comes across as forced. I'm not on Facebook, so I don't know what's going on with this.

From what I remember, this site used to have a very close close-knit community back when I joined 10 years ago. We rarely had any drama or fighting.

I believe there are several factors that led to where we are now. "Cliques" started to form, and this was made much worse when the 25th anniversary line debuted. Not everyone was happy with the new figure design, and made their opinions known. Obviously this led to fighting and caused a greater divide. This place has never been the same since.

I want to make this clear. I never considered myself part of a "clique". Prior to all the past drama, a number of us made accounts on flickr so that we could keep in touch with Outrider, who was having internet issues at the time and could not access Joedios for awhile. This was before he became ill if I remember correctly. For whatever reason, some members here didn't like this and saw us as a rival "clique". Things only got worse I feel after Outrider's death.

It's sad. I'd love to see this place become an active community again. I'd love to see the return of things like target range, or weekend warriors themes. I miss that stuff that encouraged participation and discussion.

One last thing. "you didn't know him like we did". What the hell? I have never seen a more disgusting statement on this site. There's more I'd like to say, but it's not worth it.
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"It was long ago, and it was far away, and it was so much better than it is today."
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