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Old 05-13-2012, 02:44 PM #8
Scarrviper's Avatar
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Scarrviper is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Jul 2007

I like to see a good story first and foremost. A good blend of action and character moments never hurt. Customs are sometimes cool to see, and sets can be very impressive. I prefer diostories that are well shot, though some of the early stuff can be forgiven. As for things I don't like, I would have to say it depends. I prefer seeing o-ring stuff in diostories, but if the story is good I might read it.

For the last couple years, I've had many ideas kicking around for a Diostory series, but I've never put it on paper, and I still feel that there are things I need in my collection first before I proceed (ex: more specific figures, props, sets, etc...) Plus the lack of time is an issue. I hope to one day start the series, and I hope that when it does get started, that I get enough readers. I think that might be a reason why so many have dropped off. Both lack of time and lack of readers may have killed diostories. Not to mention many older ones have been lost from the pages expiring.
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"It was long ago, and it was far away, and it was so much better than it is today."
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