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Old 07-27-2010, 05:20 PM #77
Junior Member
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Posts: 39
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Default Introduction

Well I guess it's time to introduce myself

I've been coming to this site since 2005 to look at pictures and enjoy your work. I've posted a little bit lately in the forum and commented on a few pics. I never really had time to take photos nor faith in my ability. You guys set the bar PRETTY HIGH

But since I've posted my first pic I think it's time to stop lurking and start contributing

My name is Arni
I live in Iceland
I have two daughters 9 and 3
I work in the purchase department for the most popular computer store in Iceland. YEAH

btw I'm not going to apologize for the volcano since it was not my fault and we're still suffering from it's effects.
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