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Old 02-19-2010, 09:41 PM #21
General Jones
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Posts: 345
General Jones is on a distinguished road -->
Join Date: Jan 2007
Default Introductions

Hey kiddies,
I'm Dave Jones. (No I wasn't named after the Pirate or the Monkey.)
I live in southern Utah and have lived here all of my life except for a few years that I lived in New England. I graduated from college with a degree in Information Systems and am currently doing Tech Support for an Insurance Brokerage. My wife Brenda and I bought our first home last year and three months afterwards welcomed our first child, Daniel Willard, into our new home.

I grew up with G.I. Joe. I inherited all of my brothers collection and later bought his friends collection which included an incomplete Terror Drome and Night Raven. I kept my collection but didn't do much with it until Christmas 2004 when my Mom bought me a mint V1 Stormshadow and from then, I was hooked again. I Have been searching around this site and ebay to try finishing my collection and all that I have left to finish my collection are a few of the Night Force figures. While waiting for a good deal on the Joes I need, I have been army building and trying to complete some vehicles I have that are incomplete.

Interesting story. I was perusing a local toy shop and met a guy that was trying to get rid of his Joe collection. I talked to him and wound up buying his collection for $3 a figure and $5 a vehicle. Totaled about $378 for the whole lot. 7 boxes later I was in G.I. Joe Heaven again.

Chuck Norris doesn't Tea Bag. He Potato Sacks.
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