Thread: Dio question...
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Old 11-01-2006, 10:56 PM #6
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Bayer that's hilarious that you're creative writing instructors told you to put exposition in the dialogue. My teachers would cringe at the thought of being told to do that. I think it's really all about the context Sonne, in some cases I feel that exposition can be useful so long as it isn't getting paragraph long. In that case I would think that something funky is up, but otherwise I personally prefer exposition to be in the boxes. Though its a wild idea to put a narrator into the panel and some have done it really well such as Frank Miller's Sin City. In Some cases Alan Moore's stuff such as V for Vendetta makes good use of it too. But then again also with Alan Moore's stuff we get graphic novels like Watchmen that have somehow manage to find balance using both. Though he never says anything too directly until the end. I like the idea of using graphic novels as a template for joedios but then thats just me.
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