*ah yee, another one from Master Outrider* Sonneilon
Cutting and Pasting – Transparencies and Layers.
Now that I’ve covered the basics of cutting and pasting, I’ll show you a couple of tricks to enhance your pictures further. The first of these is transparencies, specifically how to let the background show through cockpit glass when you cut and paste a plane onto a background. Take a look at the pictures below. Pic 1 is one I took of the Skysweeper at dusk, and pic 2 is the background I want to paste it onto.
Okay, start by tracing around the outline of the Skysweeper, leaving a gap at the top of the cockpit so that you can ignore the glass and trace around the canopy bars, leaving the background to show through the canopy. Paste this onto the background (Pic 3).
Now go back to pic 1 and trace around the missing piece of canopy and paste this onto the background too, being sure to line it up correctly (Pic4). It is easier to line up if you zoom in to 300% or 400%.