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neapolitan joe 07-09-2017 05:14 PM

Thank You ThinkTank, G.I.*Jock and Meddatron for the kind words.
As I can see Joedios is back again!

vespapilot79 07-09-2017 05:50 PM

Thank you.
Thank you very much.I greatly appreciate the kind words and endorsement. I will do my best to assist whomever it may be in assuring the site is well cared for.

Vespapilot79: I have been impressed by your posts on this thread and feel that you would be an excellent fit as you have demonstrated successfully that you can be the voice of reason, time and again.

Whatever the outcome, good luck to all!

D :)[/QUOTE]

silentdusty 07-09-2017 08:57 PM

Well, this got nasty. I definitely won't be throwing my vote to Nekoman, guys like him are the reason I left in the first place. I hope that the three mods chosen by Hammerfel will keep this place the awesome place it was when I first joined, it got pretty dark for awhile.

RavensReturn 07-09-2017 10:13 PM

I know I am newly back. Yes, my old account was closed due to me being a dickbag. I'll be the first to admit it. At the time, the admins here were terrible. They were KNOWN bullies, KNOWN haters of the site. Hell, one of them even started a website where they made fun of its members personally. (I was a target of that)...

At the end of the day, it's Nate's call. Yes, alot of us old timers are coming back because we wanna make this place the way it was in 2009. Weekly challenges, annual awards shows, even Graham had movies quizzes for members. It was a REAL community. I want that COMMUNITY again.

I, too, vote for Dr. Phibes , Vespapilot and 218. They have been my friends in the community for well over a decade. They KNOW how to support members, they are exactly what this site needs to bring BACK that feeling of a real community. Honest. Fair. True gentlemen.

Take my nomination for what it's worth, as an old member coming back. Agree or disagree, but at the end of the day, it's who I believe will help make this place great again.

Mike T. 07-09-2017 10:18 PM

Seeing so many old members come out of the woodwork suggests to me that:

A. You've all been lurking for some time and not participating.
B. You've actively chosen to not be part of the community here, but stayed active elsewhere.

So, my open questions to everyone are:

1. What are the first things you'll change about the site to bring you back and keep you around?
2. Do you feel that the members who have been recently active require policing?

RavensReturn 07-09-2017 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by Mike T.

1. What are the first things you'll change about the site to bring you back and keep you around?
2. Do you feel that the members who have been recently active require policing?

Totally fair questions in my opinion. I'm not in the running, nor do I want to be, but I can answer for myself.

I haven't been overly active in ANY community for some time now. My review channel lay dormant, and mostly I have been posting to Instagram. I have gone through a major personal change over the last few months and wanted to come to a place where I knew I could hang out and be in a place that, at the end of the day, has alot of good memories for me. My photos are still up under LordRaven, and my old comic book style reviews.

THAT is what I want to bring back here.

The second question, policing may be too harsh of a term. Watched, monitored, totally. Who knows what some peoples intentions are. Plus, it's the internet, there is ALWAYS an arsehole somewhere (I know, I was one at one point). I hit my 3 post cap in 5 seconds and I can't wait till tomorrow to share MORE.

I can't speak for everyone, but this is how I feel, and I hope from ME, the ole Shaneomac/LordRaven, this alleviates some of your worry if you had some?

lehsreh 07-10-2017 07:19 PM

Sonnelion 218 and NeoJoe.
I know that Sonnelion and 218 have both been mods before, and have always been level headed and fair. And NeoJoe has been around and is one who has a pure love for Joes and I have never seen him post anything ill toward anyone.

Flint 07-10-2017 07:33 PM

Boy this is a hard one so many real good people to choose from any of you would be great for the job. My choices are 218, sonnelion, selvaland.

Hit&Run 07-10-2017 10:28 PM

While I'm not new to the site, I am new to all this drama. Actually, other than the kid posting selfies on here I want aware there were any issues. I've been a member now for over 10 years with nearly 8000 posts, I try to comment on eveyones pictures in all the sections and I think everyone should be welcomed here, new and old members. Following, what I think are few simple rules of no more than 3 pics, putting things in the right sections, no foul language, etc. I think we should be able to moderator ourselves, after all this is a hobby of collecting toys. I come here to look at and enjoy everyone's efforts, marveling at people's creativity and collections and not to be caught up in he said she said stuff. I have been collecting Joes since 1982 and love this website. I hope we can all just come to an agreement.

As I said, I don't involve myself in this stuff, I think this might be my second post ever in the forums, but I asked to come here and give my choices. From what I understand they are the 3 frontrunners so I would vote for NJ as he seems to be the longest running member with the most posts and follows my efforts to comment on every picture. I would also vote for Mike T as I have been a fan if his blog and pics here for years, I was glad to see his return here and Gijoewasthere as he is one of the few guys I have talked too off the site and I like his tagline "Comment to Participate" But I would also nominate Slipstream and Flint because it seemed like a good 2 years us 3 and Thunder/Steeler (wish he'd come back), slevland and Gijoewasthere were the only ones posting pictures.

I don't expect my voice to matter and will remain a member no matter the outcome, but I do ask that if you are a member, new or old that you do offer a comment, praise or offer a tip to someone who took the time to post an image. If you look most of my posts have been about sharing knowledge, Being a member is more than just looking! Good luck to those who want the job and keep the members and pics coming, we all know we need as must interest in this dying hobby!

Mike T. 07-11-2017 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by Mike T.
Seeing so many old members come out of the woodwork suggests to me that:

A. You've all been lurking for some time and not participating.
B. You've actively chosen to not be part of the community here, but stayed active elsewhere.

So, my open questions to everyone are:

1. What are the first things you'll change about the site to bring you back and keep you around?
2. Do you feel that the members who have been recently active require policing?

48 hours and not many replies. Curious.

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