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lehsreh 05-12-2012 08:17 PM

What do you want to see in dio stories?
What are somethings you see in dio stories that you enjoy? What are somethings you see in dio stories that you don't enjoy? What are somethings you would like to see in dio stories that you do not?

lehsreh 05-12-2012 08:30 PM

Who are some characters you want to see more of? Who are some characters you want to see less of? What kind of battles do you like, hand to hand, gun fights or all out with vehicles? Do you enjoy more action, more story or a combination of both? Do you like female characters? Do you like romance between characters?

Goldbug 05-12-2012 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by lehsreh
Who are some characters you want to see more of? Who are some characters you want to see less of? What kind of battles do you like, hand to hand, gun fights or all out with vehicles? Do you enjoy more action, more story or a combination of both? Do you like female characters? Do you like romance between characters?

I like a combo of action & story.
Romance is a bit tricky to pull off.

Here is an idea I had but not sure how it can be pulled off...
A JoeDios site diostory where each participant creates a chapter.
I suppose the best option is for participants to choose characters from a roster. Each person only uses those characters in their chapter. However there should be some cooperation between authors if they will have communication between characters in their chapters. The story in the chapters should be linked somehow.

neapolitan joe 05-13-2012 01:17 AM

Huge battles with lot of vehicles, Joes versus Cobra...
But who has the right space?

troopsofdoom 05-13-2012 08:32 AM

For me, the type of content (characters, action, whatever) isn't important as long as it's done well.

GoCards 05-13-2012 09:56 AM

Don't Like: 1) Romantic side stories (i.e., Scarlett/Duke/Snake Eyes), but that's always been a pet peeve of mine.
2) The fact that I have yet to do one.
3) Scenes with guys jerkin' it in the field while others are right next to them ;).

Like: 1) When Cobra Commander, and Cobra overall, are made to look like real bad-ass threats and not just a bunch of morons like in the cartoon.
2) When the good-guys don't always win.

troopsofdoom 05-13-2012 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by GoCards
Like: 1) When Cobra Commander, and Cobra overall, are made to look like real bad-ass threats and not just a bunch of morons like in the cartoon.
2) When the good-guys don't always win.

Good points. If you know the good guys will always win there's no suspense or excitement.

Scarrviper 05-13-2012 02:44 PM

I like to see a good story first and foremost. A good blend of action and character moments never hurt. Customs are sometimes cool to see, and sets can be very impressive. I prefer diostories that are well shot, though some of the early stuff can be forgiven. As for things I don't like, I would have to say it depends. I prefer seeing o-ring stuff in diostories, but if the story is good I might read it.

For the last couple years, I've had many ideas kicking around for a Diostory series, but I've never put it on paper, and I still feel that there are things I need in my collection first before I proceed (ex: more specific figures, props, sets, etc...) Plus the lack of time is an issue. I hope to one day start the series, and I hope that when it does get started, that I get enough readers. I think that might be a reason why so many have dropped off. Both lack of time and lack of readers may have killed diostories. Not to mention many older ones have been lost from the pages expiring.

Reverend Blood 05-13-2012 02:59 PM

Dirty Recondo self love :D

lehsreh 05-13-2012 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by Scarrviper
I need in my collection first before I proceed (ex: more specific figures, props, sets, etc...) I hope to one day start the series, and I hope that when it does get started, that I get enough readers. I think that might be a reason why so many have dropped off.

Good points. I have saw times where I have had to wait for figures to come out just to work on a dio. And the lack of readers these days are a problem. Well, it's not alack of readers, but some just forget to comment i guess.

Originally Posted by Reverend Blood
Dirty Recondo self love :D

Lol, how could anyone not love that?

lehsreh 05-13-2012 04:17 PM

What I look for most is a good storyline, and good characterization. I have saw dios that had GREAT pictures and GREAT sets, but I wouldn't give the time of day because the story was boring and/or the characters were bland. As for battles, I can handle any kind. But if there is a battle going on and It's a Michael Bayish thing, where it all focuses on things blowing up and good effects instead of characters; It's not for me. It's hard to relate to a story when the characters have no characteristics. I believe that is why I loved Tim Elf's stuff so much. You had so many characters and they all were different.

Renegade 05-13-2012 09:05 PM

I always enjoy a greatly shot dio. I can stand a lack of story a lot of times because I don't always need to get into someone else's universe too much. If there are great pictures I can look at them and admire the photography.

Still, when there is a story which involves moving dialogue, realistic choices by believable personalities, and awe inspiring actions by larger than life characters in larger than life settings, they will always win out over a well shot series of pictures.

zedhatch 05-13-2012 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by Goldbug
I like a combo of action & story.
Romance is a bit tricky to pull off.

Here is an idea I had but not sure how it can be pulled off...
A JoeDios site diostory where each participant creates a chapter.
I suppose the best option is for participants to choose characters from a roster. Each person only uses those characters in their chapter. However there should be some cooperation between authors if they will have communication between characters in their chapters. The story in the chapters should be linked somehow.

Tried something similar on Joecustoms years and years ago (I think around 2005, I know it was right before Valor vs. Venom). It was a disaster as half the guys never kept up with thier end. Hopefully if this idea is picked up that won't happen again.

Personally I can handle anything as long as it's someone's own thing and not trying to redo what has been done before. That is a hard order but is possible, I think that characters, ect, ect come through much clearer with a real story behind it.

pbarny1701 05-13-2012 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by Reverend Blood
Dirty Recondo self love :D

What do you think screaming face Duke is for if not that prematurely? :D

lehsreh 05-14-2012 04:09 AM

Originally Posted by Goldbug
Here is an idea I had but not sure how it can be pulled off...
A JoeDios site diostory where each participant creates a chapter.
I suppose the best option is for participants to choose characters from a roster. Each person only uses those characters in their chapter. However there should be some cooperation between authors if they will have communication between characters in their chapters. The story in the chapters should be linked somehow.

We did something like that a few years back. People had their names down and on certain days of the week that person would have to post 3 panels continuing the dio story from where the other left it. It went on a bit, but with only 3 panels to do anything with it wasn't that good.

For me we don't all need to do a combined dio story, but it would be great if say people started joining Joervere's. My cousin and I have our Joeverse combined. we can't do anything drastic that would effect a character if we don't talk it out with the other so as to not distort their Joeverse. We also have to keep it accurate as to what happens in each others. It's hard, but the good thing is we can use each others custom characters.

It would be great to treat it like a comic book, where you had a crossover every so often. But to do that peoples Joeverse's would have to be in synch.

lehsreh 05-14-2012 04:53 AM

Originally Posted by Goldbug
Here is an idea I had but not sure how it can be pulled off...
A JoeDios site diostory where each participant creates a chapter.
I suppose the best option is for participants to choose characters from a roster. Each person only uses those characters in their chapter. However there should be some cooperation between authors if they will have communication between characters in their chapters. The story in the chapters should be linked somehow.

A good idea that would be simple is to do one like Image comics did back in the day. Not a crossover, but rather everyone exchanges custom characters and do a on shot dio story. Let's say Larry, Curly and Moe have their own custom characters. Moe would do a one shot dio story about Larry's, Larry would do one about Curly's and Curly would do one about Moe's. you would have to keep it true to form, and not kill anyone off that would effect the others Joeverse. Nothing of impact that could change the character or his story in anyway. Just a great story.

Lt. Faceless 05-14-2012 08:48 AM

I'm a outdoors guy anyway,so for me,its all about location. I love looking at some pics and seeing nice backgrouns.Just look at Monte's pics,his backgrounds from when he was stateside were stunning.

I'm not a fan of photoshop.I think it takes away from the picture. Using fishingline to hang stuff,colored lights to add effects,fake blook,etc.....

mrcobra 06-12-2012 08:03 PM

I like dio stories alot haven't read many in awhile due to time and not been able to find any new ones.
They need to have that great storytelling and character portrayal and development need some solid action fighting scenes as well on varied scales from small scuffles to shootouts to full scaled battles. Photography needs to be clear doesn't have to be spectacular just clear enough so we can see whats going on.
Its nice to see set ups and backdrops outdoor and built dioramas are great and alot of depth and realism to shots. They need to have correct grammar as well the occasional mistake is okay.I like seeing customs kit bashes of figures too.
Characters need to be posed in convincing ways.
Im not a fan of the o ring Joes but I enjoy dios with them in alot but I would like to seem more dios using the newer figures too but Im fine with either.
Like it when they focus on obscure characters and also mixes it up with more well known charters.

They need to be original as well with stories characters etc.

figureware 06-19-2012 08:51 AM

I am for any kind really. I enjoy alot of the straight up Joe V Cobra stuff on the site! I try to mix things up. I finished "Compound Z" a story based on the Zombie Vipers! I know there are a lot of them floating around and I really dont mind because I like them. I wouldn't mind seeing some off beat stuff like I do but then again I am all for everyone doing there own thing! Right now I am doing a series of one offs! first up Quick Kick which will feature the Dreadnoks and possibly Storm Shadow in supporting roles. I plan on doing one offs of Spirit, Storm Shadow, and Shipwreck.

I also use Joes for very offbeat dio comics but probably wont post them on Joe Dios. but I would like to see that as well! Stories using Joe figures as other characters.

lehsreh 06-19-2012 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by figureware
I Right now I am doing a series of one offs! first up Quick Kick which will feature the Dreadnoks and possibly Storm Shadow in supporting roles.

OH! I cannot wait for that. my favorite character Qk, with some of my other favorite characters, the noks. HURRY UP!!!

figureware 06-19-2012 06:58 PM

Sneak peak
I have put sneak peaks of QK and SS under collections as well as the Little Tokyo set!

I would love to see someone pull off a remake Dio story! I would love to do a dio version of "Countdown for Zartan"!

lehsreh 06-21-2012 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by figureware

I would love to see someone pull off a remake Dio story! I would love to do a dio version of "Countdown for Zartan"!

I have thought about that a lot. and Countdown for Zartan would be a great one to use. Also the Cobra Quake one with QK and Bazooka.

Ctrl_Z 06-22-2012 11:48 AM

This thread gives me some good insight. Everyone seems to have different preferences.

Originally Posted by GoCards
Like: 1) When Cobra Commander, and Cobra overall, are made to look like real bad-ass threats and not just a bunch of morons like in the cartoon.
2) When the good-guys don't always win.

What about in mine where it's mainly told from the pov of Cobra. Would they be considered the good guys/protagonists?

I've also heard people say they mainly like non-sequitur stuff. Or maybe I just suck at story telling...

For me, I just like reading online comics and dio stories are my favorite of the group. But, I guess it'd be important that it be easy to read. ex: if I can make out the text; the text bubbles are in an order that are easy to follow; has clear photos. If there's interesting character development then that's a major plus. That over rides story telling as a reader.

figureware 06-24-2012 02:02 PM

Cobra POV
I like the idea of dio stories being told from several points of view. I would like to see someone do a story...and back story of a Cobra trooper. just an everyday down on his luck poor sucker who decides Cobra is the direction for him!

lehsreh 06-24-2012 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by figureware
I like the idea of dio stories being told from several points of view. I would like to see someone do a story...and back story of a Cobra trooper. just an everyday down on his luck poor sucker who decides Cobra is the direction for him!

I have thought about this, a lot actually. and doing one from a green shirt POV. But it would be a lot of work doing the sets. Mainly because I would want to show then training. But if you're looking, you need to try and find 2 done by Frank Nash and Shane Welin. They did 2 about troopers, about the training and what made them decide to join Cobra. Great stories IMO.

Reverend Blood 06-24-2012 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by figureware
I like the idea of dio stories being told from several points of view. I would like to see someone do a story...and back story of a Cobra trooper. just an everyday down on his luck poor sucker who decides Cobra is the direction for him!

Check out the DIOS section, it has an amazing story of a Cobra "basic training" unit. Ender used to be one of the best here until the dramagate a couple years back ran him and most of the other good guys off.

lehsreh 06-24-2012 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by Reverend Blood

Check out the DIOS section, it has an amazing story of a Cobra "basic training" unit. Ender used to be one of the best here until the dramagate a couple years back ran him and most of the other good guys off.

That is the dio story I was talking about. And yes, he and most of the others that made this a great place are now gone. For what reason I do not know for sure. It all happened when I took a break from Joes. I still have them on Facebook though, there still doing the same ol' Joe thing.

figureware 06-25-2012 08:48 AM

Good stuff
Im reading a whole bunch of good stuff and getting inspired at the same time! Im a little ways away from even choosing my next project! I do my dio comics beginning middle end...Im noticing many people load them up two or three pages at a time under the dio section...does this make it easier for people to read? I really like the idea that when people click on my link they get to read a complete story.

seyms 06-25-2012 10:12 AM

For me, context is everything in a dio story. The underlying reasons for Joe or Cobra doing what they do, an individual's reasons (or fortune/misfortune) for ending up where they are, the wider context in which all of that develops . The richness of the stories I like to see is in the realisation that "heros can be in the mentalities of both sides" and that nothing is black and white.

figureware 07-12-2012 07:02 PM

Im wondering whos going to do an interpretation of Retaliation before the movie hits?

Rambo 07-12-2012 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by lehsreh
And yes, he and most of the others that made this a great place are now gone. For what reason I do not know for sure.

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