View Full Version : Things you won't put in your Joe-Verse

Roland da Thompson Gunner
05-27-2010, 06:26 PM
For me!

-Crossovers with things like Super-heroes, Movies and things that wouldn't match the timeline
-White Ripcord
-Storm Shadow being a good guy
-Carbon Copy characters. What's the difference between Thunder and Thunderwing? or Snow Job and White-Out?

How about you?

05-27-2010, 06:30 PM
a black ripcord for me. just because he was one of my old favorite character back in the day. so i wont change him. like you i will not ever use storm shadow as a good guy. i use super hero figures, but not as super heroes, only as new characters or whatever. zombies? well i dont know, maybe for a halloween dio.

Agent Viper
05-27-2010, 06:58 PM
Neon Figures

Duke as a Goody Two Shoes

GIJOE as the No Dirt On Boots their intended to be

Dreadnok Dread
05-27-2010, 07:55 PM
Zombies! yeah no! to easy to kill!

Storm shadow is crazy in the head so he goes back and forth.

stupid dreadnoks! nahhhh alot smarter in my verse!

black ripcord is a possibility!

taliban guys nahhh cobra killed em all!

no carbon copies either...

But I do have>>>.....


mafia cartels


drug dealers

black panthers


charles bronson

chuck norris



ect ect.....

death I could see aliens look at predator! for sure!

i'd have to think about it! lol

Beast from the east
05-27-2010, 08:46 PM
Can't say I would bring in Super Heros.
I rename guys that are copies.I would use Snow Job and White out.

05-27-2010, 09:33 PM
Cobra! (No, just kidding)

Let's see.... in my Joeverse I don't truly have super heroes, mostly because I've never really been involved with them. There are some exceptions, though, Spiderman, Wolverine, etc. They exist in the Joeverse, but rarely ever used.

Dreadnoks are smarter, and more biker gang than simply Zartan gang.

A super, larger than life Zartan. In my Joeverse, Zartan is a cool dude who likes to rob from the rich and give to the poor... just kidding on that one too. But seriously, he's cool, smooth, and highly professional, much like the Marvel Comics version, and would never dare challenge Cobra Commander.

A wimpy Cobra Commander. My CC is cunning, shrewed, plotting. A "play chess" kinda person who also cares about his troops. Why? Because troops cost money. An army doesn't march on bread alone, it requires lots of funding. So he and the Crimson Twins are pretty important.

Zombies, no, I really never been into that genre. I can't imagine the dead or near dead becoming animated.

My Duke is hardcore.

I do use both Black and White Ripcord. However, White Ripcord got killed or retired, since the Joes are about 25+ years.. so there's changes and replacements.

Dialtone 1 got killed, and Dialtone 2, the female one, now takes his place.

I've got aliens in my Joeverse. Why? Well, if Transformers can exist in the Joeverse, then for me so can aliens. Anyway, makes for some interesting adventures.

So anyway, I definately do not have the following: wimpy Cobra, clean cut Joes.

05-27-2010, 10:39 PM
God! This is tougher than I thought! gimme a day or two to think about it......

Otto the Otter
05-28-2010, 03:40 AM
If I had any super hero figures, they'd exist in my 'verse, but as humans with exceptional skills, not mutated powers or anything like that. Punisher is Punisher as he would sort of fit with the Joes if he wasn't so blood thirsty for vengence.
He was oconsidered for the team when they first formed, but that was about the same time his family was killed, so they left him alone for a bit and when they went to recruit him again, they saw what he had become. All though they like his skills, the higher ups don't want a vigalante on the team.

Sorry Fireflyed, no black Ripcord for me either. My black Ripcord became Wreckage.

If I had the time and $$$, I'd make custom Star Wars figures that woud blend in. I can't recall who had the awesome Joe-verse style Fetts, but my guys would be like that. Otherwise, I don't have any SW figures in Joe-verse.

No Zombies or other horror movie monsters. No supernatural beings either.

No giant mutated experiments of Dr. Mindbender gone wrong or creatures from Destro's castle.

Pilots fly in my 'verse, not sailors and infantrymen. Tankers drive my tanks.

Pretty much anything that couldn't exist in real life isn't in my Joe-verse. About the only vehicle I've got that could never be is the Cobra Gunship. All the rest of my vehicles could be real.
Same with characters, no Croc Master or Raptor and especially not Crystal Ball. I don't have a lot of Cobra's named characters as they seem to have the more over the top personalities and bizarness.
Yes, I have Zartan, but I go with the idea that he's wearing a suit of micro hogram projectors that help him change his appearance and blend in with the back ground. That technology exists, barely.

My named Cobras are all mercs who would drop Cobra at the drop of the hat if the funds stop coming to their bank account. They have no loyalty to CC, only to his bank account. The troops on the other hand are made up of people who are in Cobra for different reasons; some are mercenaries, some are disgruntled former military from various nations, some are just plain criminals who couldn't get into an out fit tlike the Mafia or Hell's Angels, and others are guys who truley believe in CC's ideals. These are the guys who usually work their way up through the ranks the fastest.

Storm Shadow is a hard one. In the 'toon he was always a bad guy, but he spent almost his entire run in the comics as a Joe. I pretty much keep him a baddie, simply because that's how I know him and the only SS figure I've got has a Cobra symbol on his outfit.

The Crimson Twins have the usual connection that real twins seem to posess, but not the "you hit T and X feels the whole thing and gets knocked to the ground" thing.

05-28-2010, 05:35 AM
I'm with Otto on the Dave and Chad Bobas...if I could do one that good, it would be in my Joeverse. I can't diss Zombies, since I have a bizarre clown army inspired by Xander and DD's Nok clowns :D Getting back to Ians title, things I won't put in are:

Female Dial Tone
Carla Greer...Doc never died here
Hawk with "just for men" brown hair :p
Cobra La
Ron Jeremy...he makes Lady Jaye and Cover Girl uncomfortable

Lava Boss
05-28-2010, 06:30 AM
I don't have a Joe-Verse.

If I did, things I'd avoid:

- Zombies, except Toxo-Zombie who's still alive just a freak.

- Vampires, especially emo ones.

- Real world terrorists. I like my childish fantasy seperate from the grim reality.

- Transforming alien robots (because they don't make any that are to GI JOE scale anyway.)

I'm of the mind if it happened in the toys, it happened.

That said, I've never known what to do with Cobra-La, in part because there's not enough of them (figures, characters) to do anything with and its hard to add more. It's not like you can just add some CORPS figures to fill out their ranks. And besides, what do you do with them besides have another GI JOE vs. bugs scenario?

General Scarlett
05-28-2010, 08:06 AM
Hmmmmmmmm..........its a bit easier for me to say what we *DO* put in our Joeverse, as opposed to what we don't.

That being said, I'll say right off, Flint & I don't incorporate death of named characters. We see enough death in the real world and we can't control that-but in our Joeverse, WE are the 'be all and end all'. So if we want to give someone a rest, they don't die-they are either sent off on a TOP SECRET mission or they are injured in a battle (or something similar) and placed in a coma for as long as we need.

99% of the 'multi-dressed' figures are renamed to be someone completely new. The exception really being Cobra Commander, Duke, Snake Eyes, Destro, Zartan-y'know, some of the characters who have really good (or multipurpose) figures.

We don't follow one single aspect of the canon. Some are strictly comic, others are strictly 'toon and still others only follow the file cards. Flint & I have spent over a quarter of a century taking aspects of all three and then utilizing the pieces to form our own take on 'G.I. Joe'. For us, it makes it that much more interesting to see what and how we can incorporate at any given time.

Its interesting that others have talked about Superheroes and aliens and such. I don't want to say that we categorically don't use them, its more like we haven't gotten to a point yet where we feel the need to introduce them into the fold. Case in point, Tony Stark does deal with the G.I. Joe team as a weapons design/distributor, but he's not walking around the PITT in his Iron Man armor.

The whole Scarlett/Snake Eyes thing. No. In our Joeverse, its been Duke and Scarlett from the word 'go'. Snake Eyes is an old friend of Joe's and as such, he's always looked at Scarlett as more of a 'sister type' (hey, if Larry Hama can say it, then so can we!). Besides, Snake Eyes has his own lady love (and if you want to know, just stay tuned!) and they have been happily together for a long time.

Cobra Commander as a resident of 'Cobra-La'. Again, no. CC is and always will be a former Used Car Salesman Extraordinaire. So we're not going to see any "I wasssss oncccccccce a maaaaan..." Tho' we do have him run his 'S's from time to time, just for sh*ts 'n' giggles.

I'm sure that there are other things, I just can't think of them at the moment......but in looking back at this, I'm surprised at how much I was able to get out-considering that I thought I wouldn't be able to ramble off this much in one shot!

05-28-2010, 08:57 AM
No cross overs of any kind.

Dreadnoks as silly comic relief. Funny because they're stupid, sure, but they're hard edged drug and alcoholic narco-biker/terrorists. Grape soda and jelly donuts was code fo amphetamines and vodka maybe mixed with grape juice if they just woke up from a stupor. Oh, and that wreck in the corner, it's Zartan. When not pushing heroin through his veins, he does alright.

Duke as an enlisted man. Hawk gave him a choice, go to OCS and accept several secret promotions, or leave the team.


Black Ripcord as well, reactive armor, accelorator suits etc.

I'll get back later once I ever get around to anything serious.

05-28-2010, 01:25 PM
I don't really do crossovers. I use other toylines and use them as something else. Like the Clone Troopers who showed up in Transformations (that old dio story) were 'alien, armored warriors' which in theory they ARE but they were NOT SW duders. I used Microman figures but I didn't use their names (not that I knew them).

I'm considering bringing in some Marvel superheroes but they won't really be... I dunno. Like War Machine. I plan on using him but it's more about an experimental type of armor. I was going to use Deadpool and Maverick who team up to deal with the Arashikage; that was a way to incorporate some level of Marvelness in the JoeVerse. It didn't quite pan out tho.

Anyone who has read my dios knows that I buy random toys for the stories. From the lizard duder from SpiderMan to the cyberunits from McFarlane toys, etc.

I am no way against zombies. There are so many different levels of the idea behind zombies (Doomsday, I Am Legend, Resident Evil, etc) that we I wouldn't necessarily use walking dead but you never know. In theory, the guys from Universal Soldier were zombies, right?

If anything, I think Cobra LA will stay out of my JoeVerse.

05-28-2010, 02:02 PM
I am not against cross overs but I like my Joeverse to be based in a more Military/Terror orginizational world. I will use SCIFI if it suits and want to do a Dr. Who crossover someday. Now the movie that I showed you guys a couple months ago is in no way the Joeverse that I base my toy collecting in. I have thought of using Zombies but will probably never do it as it would be a lot of custom work that I really do not want to do.

05-28-2010, 03:00 PM
Its all open game for me if it fits in the 1/18 scale. Its toys lets just have fun!!!

05-28-2010, 03:05 PM
ok any thing roc lol so no black rip cord. Crossovers with Super-heroes or TFs. nothing to sci fi like SW. thats it lol.

05-28-2010, 05:24 PM
No aliens or zombies (with the only exception of toxo zombie, which sadly I don't have yet)

no black Ripcord (sorry Ian, but there is only white Ripcord in this joeverse)

no cobra la. Period.

no 25th or movie style figures

no crossovers (with very few exceptions)

That's all I can think of at the moment.

05-28-2010, 05:32 PM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]Its all open game for me if it fits in the 1/18 scale. Its toys lets just have fun!!![/QUOTE]
That! :D

05-28-2010, 07:21 PM
In my "JOEVERSE", no zombies (dead is dead), no superpowers, although I have some heroes san powers the Panther, Domino etc. No "dumb" Cobra Commander or stupid Dreadnoks. CC is ruthless, cold,& highly intelligent. He has used fear, mistrust, bribery & manipulation to not only build the most deadliest terroist organization in the world, but has a small country in western Europe he runs thru a "puppet" dictator. Half of my battles take place in the cities of the world(what better place to strike fear in the public then where they feel the most secure). The Joes are American based but globally linked with other groups across the world. All the leaders of these groups make up the "jugglers" & only answer to the leaders of their respective countries, i.e. Gen. Colton only answers to Madame President. Since I only began collecting Joes with VvsV, I have no problem with Ripcord, Storm Shadow being evil or with killing off anyone if the story calls for it.

05-28-2010, 08:44 PM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]Its all open game for me if it fits in the 1/18 scale. Its toys lets just have fun!!![/QUOTE]

Yep. Same here anything goes :)

Da Talent
05-28-2010, 10:25 PM
Ya'll are a bunch of joe racists!

edit: I guess I should go ahead and say I was being sarcastic before everyone goes all serious.... "How dare you call me a racist! I donate to the NAACP every year!"

05-29-2010, 05:55 AM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]Ya'll are a bunch of joe racists!

edit: I guess I should go ahead and say I was being sarcastic before everyone goes all serious.... "How dare you call me a racist! I donate to the NAACP every year!"[/QUOTE]
You don't understand anything, man. Leave your *stupid* comments in your pocket!

05-29-2010, 10:43 AM
Liberace, The guy who sells Oreck vacuum cleaners, tap dancers, the guy who constantly runs over my foot with his power chair, Jonny Quest, I think Race Bannon and Dr. Quest had something goin on, the people who stand outside the courthouse across the street from me;they are scary,people who bum cigarrettes from me; I don't smoke. Women who have more facial hair than me. Wayne Newton, women who come out of the planned parenthood center with bags of condoms, the people who are overseeing the oil disaster in the Gulf; doin a great job, aren't they? Maureen Dowd, Don Imus, Cobra La, the stay puff marshmallow man, and the landlord who hasn't put my personally owned air conditioner in. I'm sweating Kobe Bryant at the free throw line, sheesh

05-30-2010, 08:44 AM
Serpentor and cobra-la

05-30-2010, 08:59 AM
[QUOTE=SIC DETH]Its all open game for me if it fits in the 1/18 scale. Its toys lets just have fun!!![/QUOTE]
Ditto. Anything goes. Depends on my mood.

Da Talent
05-30-2010, 11:10 AM
[QUOTE=dancontrino] Leave your *stupid* comments in your pocket![/QUOTE]

I just wanted to hear your sexy voice. I keep thinking about your strong hands around my body. It excites me so much.

05-30-2010, 11:46 AM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]I just wanted to hear your sexy voice. I keep thinking about your strong hands around my body. It excites me so much.[/QUOTE]

Everybody betrayed me! I fed up with this world!

06-03-2010, 01:42 AM
I have GI Joes all of mine accept the ones tht are just to horrible to even have use (scarlet from VvV, or wet suit) I also have a few star wars guys Han Solo (cuz no one can dis him) chancellor Valorem (president of USA) the other star wars guys (people) used as civilians and the droids are used as droids.

I always have mindbender having some experiment tht just goes south and Joe has to clean up his mess (dinosaurs (JP) zombies, VvV, aliens any kind of mishap like tht is possible.

I mainly dont have alot of things in the sets cuz then it get to be too much and i get overwhelmed lol

Prince Adam
06-03-2010, 11:02 AM
-No ROC crap. Makes me sick to my stomach. :cool:

-No ninjas, except Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes and I very rarely use them. Night Creepers to me are more like hired guns and they're pretty much all wiped out in my JV anyway.

-No super heroes of any kind. No magic either. :rolleyes:

-No sex. Oh it's implied certainly. Destro/Baroness, Flint/Lady Jaye. But really if you're photographing or visualizing your toys doin' it you gotta get out more.

-No Zartan can't be in the sunlight bs. He's not a vampire and if he were it wouldn't be the glittery skinned emo Twilight kind.

-No clones. There was one Serpentor, and he's dead.

-No venomous maxipadus

-No Cobra-La

-No brown haired Hawk.

-No BF2K except for Dodger because Dodger is just cool like that.

Zombies are just a fact of life and the sooner people start seeing that the sooner Romero can stop making his documentaries.

ct nightviper
06-03-2010, 05:58 PM
well im game for just about anything but its gotta click super heros are a yes to some like wolvie or cap maybe even the hulks definatly none of the dc figs since they are smaller zomibes id do only if they were quick like in the dawn of the dead remake as for my joes and cobras i like making them darker and grittier just my preference

06-03-2010, 07:21 PM
It's interesting to see how many people have strong hatred towards certain aspects to their JoeVerse.

I'm not overly in the superhero thing. But you know me, I like genetic manipulations and stuff. So in theory, superheroes would be in there, but it's just not really feasible. Certainly, nobody will be flying in my JoeVerse unless they are 'falling with style'! lol

06-04-2010, 05:03 PM
duke being the hero! anything goes, zombies to heroes or weird stuff i like it. as long as i like the concept, photograph, and the impression always counts

06-04-2010, 06:48 PM
I'd like ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to go, but alas, it just don't work for me like that. A lot of people gave me ideas too on what's neat and what's not so swell to add to the JoeVerse.

I know I like to use monsters in mine, but I prefer NOT to use 'normal' monsters like werewolves, vampires, frankenstein, etc. But oversized lizard man things, cybernetic creatures and aliens aren't too far off me. I try to keep with stuff that people don't recognize quickly. Like the... uh... Alien Racers. PERFECT for making people look twice at stuff. You all know that movies like Predator, Doom and Aliens are HUGE for me. And it's like the final frontier of gi joe stories for me. I feel like I'm going slightly more mainstream now. I had plans for another monster adventure but scrapped it in favor of something more straight forward.

But I will go back to monsters again. :P

06-05-2010, 06:31 PM
I don't think I would put myself in my own Joeverse.

Reason: what would I do? I don't see myself as a super soldier, nor would I be a useless one. Would I be enough to be on the Joe team? That sounds like vanity. I wouldn't want to be working for Cobra, so I would rather be with the Joes. Maybe I could be a civilian.. wide eyed and in constant awe b/c I'll be surrounded by my heros...

So, in short, even though I would like to see myself as in action figure form, I can't really see myself fitting in.

Unless I use my online personna.. Death, the destroyer of worlds..... now that I can do!

Da Talent
06-07-2010, 07:10 PM
[QUOTE=dancontrino]Everybody betrayed me! I fed up with this world![/QUOTE]

"I did not hit her! I did naughtttt."