View Full Version : Ironman

Da Talent
05-09-2008, 09:06 PM
I dragged my fiancee Rachel to see Ironman tonight. I really enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised when she said the same when we left. Has anyone else made it out to see it yet? What did you think?

Cheers and Beers

05-09-2008, 09:14 PM
My son and I thought it rocked...

Had the humour, special effects... there wasn't quite enough ass-kickery in it, but still very cool for the first movie.

I hope you stayed for the part after the credits. The crowd went nuts when SLJ turned around.

Cheers! ~ Paul.

05-09-2008, 10:04 PM
[QUOTE=fifthconspiracy]My son and I thought it rocked...

Had the humour, special effects... there wasn't quite enough ass-kickery in it, but still very cool for the first movie.

I hope you stayed for the part after the credits. The crowd went nuts when SLJ turned around.

Cheers! ~ Paul.[/QUOTE]

Enjoyed it the wife liked it too which is always a plus she was mad we had to stay until after the credits just to see a 5 second thing but I thought that was so cool! :D

05-10-2008, 06:11 AM
[COLOR=Red]i thought it was great. beside spiderman 1 and maybe x-men 1 and 2, it was the best comic book movie of all time. well i forgot the crow. i was giving this movie a hard time as i dont think whats his name was going to make a good stark, but i was totally wrong.[/COLOR]

05-10-2008, 09:34 AM
It was awesome. Robert Downey Jr. has the life experiences to give the role of Tony Stark a realism other actors couldn't. He did great. Let's hope his sucess doesn't wind him back up in rehab.

As for the end....well, I Love SLJ, but at the risk of being accused of sounding racist, I think they needed that characer to be player by a cauasian. But who knows...let's wait and see....

05-10-2008, 11:11 AM
I loved Iron Man, I though RD jr was great. Frank, I think the reason they went with SLJ for the end is he is the inspiration for the character in the Marvel Ultimate universe and was featured in the Ultimate Avengers DVD's. Personally I would have like to have seen the classic version of the character with IMO Kurt Russell in the role.

05-10-2008, 01:02 PM
I was kind of nervous of taking my wife to see IronMan... my previous choice, Jumper, was a deception for both of us... But, I'm glad we saw it, she loved the movie, I'm not an IronMan fan myself, just remember seeing the old cartoon when I was a kid, where the enemy was the Chinese army.

I think they made the right choices... it had a good blend of action, technology, good actors, nice effects and that "cool" factor.

Also, Stan Lee's cameo was one of the best I've seen!

Agent Viper
05-10-2008, 03:22 PM
yet to see it. any good? :confused:

05-11-2008, 03:48 AM
Absolutely! I think it is a good film, it can create interest in non comic fan people for itself, and will please A LOT Ironman fans, as it is the most faithfull adaptation I've seen.

05-11-2008, 02:19 PM
I love it. My girlfriend too. She wanted us to see The Black List but I won the lucky toss.

RD Jr. performance is awesome. What a hell of an actor. Jeff Bridges rocks too. My favorite part when Tony tested the shoes propulsors the first time.

Agent Viper go and watch it.

05-11-2008, 02:24 PM
What role is Samuel L. Jackson going to play???
I think I missed the last 5 seconds...

05-11-2008, 02:36 PM
From wikipedia:

"Jackson's small apperance at the post-credit scene of Iron Man has given him the role of Nick Fury for both Iron Man 2, April 30 2010. Also he has been confirmed as Nick Fury in The Avengers movie that is set to be released in July of 2011."

05-12-2008, 04:37 AM
Best Marvel adaptation yet, I think. Which bodes well since it was the first movie Marvel Studios has made themselves rather than licensing out the character to another company (Paramount has a purely distribution deal with Marvel, no creative input).

There were some very nice touches that can work as nods to the fans or could potentially be built upon in future movies. The bad guy organisation, made up of people from all over the place and apparently with the goal of conquering Asia, being called the Ten Rings... The average viewer will just accept them as generic terrorist-types but the implications oare more chilling for Iron Man fans...! I also liked Rhodey's "next time" line when he saw the Mk.2 armour.

The inclusion of SHIELD was great, and that final scene definitely got me excited. I'm philosophically opposed to the Ultimate Universe (that's a whole 'nother rant, there) but I do think it's cool that Jackson played a character that was drawn to look like him basically for a laugh. Comics companies should try that more, draw characters to look like people they think it'd be cool to have playing them in a movie, then when a movie gets made see if the actor would be up for it... Admittedly, Jackson's a comics geek anyway so that probably helped!

I think X2 is still my favourite Marvel movie since there were just so many characters, and while it had a few flaws (mostly carried over from the first film,) it portrayed the spirit of the comics while being fresh. But Iron Man had VERY little that I could complain about, and I'm a great big nitpicky Marvel fanboy. I'm excited to see what they've done with Incredible Hulk (and there's one cameo appearance I can't wait for), and am very much looking forward to Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and Avengers in 2010-11!