View Full Version : Just so you know...

08-07-2006, 09:11 PM
After my Chronicles dio wraps up, I'll most likely start working on a Sigma6 dio. I don't see myself copying the cartoon or comic or even the filecards that Hasbro is pushing as 'canon'. When I get around to it, expect it to have the same sort of flavor my Chronicles dio do. Fairly action packed, a twist here and there, swell sets, etc. I'm waiting for Zartan and Lt Stone (give or take the funds for a Dragonhawk) before I really start thinking seriously about it.

As for a GI Joe Chronicles 2, I have some ideas floating around. Nothing too solid but learning how to do different things w/ the art programs is opening up my mind to a ton of ideas. I don't know when Chapter 3 will come to finish up my current dio, but I figure the Sigma6 dio will show up next summer. IF it doesn't get pushed back by a Chronicles 2. ;)

Now, back to writing...

08-07-2006, 09:18 PM
that sounds great either way :D